Introduction Ralph Alvy has written a new, long awaited book on DataPerfect called "Mastering DataPerfect". The first printed release of the book was completed the week of March 7, 1997 and all 200 copies were sold. This first release included signed limited edition copies for those who requested them. The second release of the book will be announced soon, however, a second release of signed copies is not expected. The book is spiral bound to lay flat and is approximately 500 plus pages in length. There are companion diskettes and special coupons included in the book. Table of Contents and Forward The Table of Contents and a Forward, written by Lew Bastian, has been included on this page for your review. Ralph would like you to know what you are getting before you purchase a copy. The Table of Contents and the Forward web pages are Copyrighted by the respective authors. You may not duplicate this material without consent from the author(s).
Ordering the Book To be added to the next print order, please send a message to Ralph Alvy. If you have any comments or questions about "Mastering DataPerfect", please send a message to either: |