Advertise on the Web through the DP Web Site
The new Advertising Feature of this Web Site is currently in the final planning stage. Here is what will be available. Web Site Ad Banners.
You can subit your own Ad Banner or we'll create one for you. You can choose where your banner will appear on the web site. All web pages areas will feature an Ad Banner near the top of the page. Visitors to these pages will be able to see your ad anytime they visit.
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Web Page Design
Advertisement Fees It's no secret that your Webmaster has been footing the bill for this web site and has received nothing in return except for the personal satisfaction of providing a much needed service and the many thanks of our visitors. The need for this web site has increased in the past few months and its survival will soon become dependent on revenue sources of some type. The ad revenues will help in keeping the web site alive!
OK, This is Great. But who will see my Ad? To increase the hits on this web site, I have recently aquired the free services of the LinkExchange. You can see their logo below. This service allows webmasters to freely advertise their web sites through the exchange of links. The banner below displays rotating ads every time a visitor clicks on this page. A banner for this web site has been subitted to the LinkExchange to be included int hat rotation. Web site visitors on other web sites will be able to see this banner, click it, and visitor our web site! I am constantly working on adding our web site address to various search engines such as Excite, WebCrawler, and Alta Vista. This work will continue until our page is available on all of these search engines.
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